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Old 01-28-2012, 05:40 AM
mrvster mrvster is offline
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Default Upside Down Back


GREAT SCORE!!....that upside down back is sick.....a clean , great example.....i told Jimmy, the auction would probably go $ actually got it cheaper than i expected!.....

You nailed it Wonka....these anomalies are too unique to put a price on it...especially upside down backs....i have seen approx 25 total of them in 15 years....hmmmm....much rarer than drum/uzit ....thats including all different backs....i beleive an upside down back should be part of a back run....but i know that might not be "main stream" for now

Anyway, you got a great example CONGRATS....the true acid test Jamie, put your om at auction....

Ask jim what he'd sell his upside down sweet cap Batch for...

Put your upside down om in Goodwin or Rea, i but it goes past $2500.00...i have seen only 3 upside down om total besides chris's 4 back..i told you to buy Chance and that sounded high at the time??aren't you glad you bought??

I told you to get om at $750.00, and that was a steal, but the price jumped in just a few months...and you still got a steal..

Let me put it this way, post a bst or do a survey out there asking for an upside down back...

better yet.....HOW MANY OUT THERE OWN upside down backs vs. Uzit or Drum????

I can gaurentee there are way more Drums and Uzits than upside down backs, they are just more poular cause everyone wants one in there run, but wait until everone wants an upside down back when they have others,i have been watching these things for years, they are finally getting the respect they deserve, Way rarer than Drum or Uzit....

Look at blank backs, i have been saying this for years, blank backs are rarer than Broadleaf or red Hindy or Lenox imho.....and i would take one any day over those tuf backs...the perception is"i have seen alot of blank backs" just a relative term....

They are one of a kind cards, they are unique T206 unto themselves...if a collector wanted a "one of a kind set" theyd put together the whole set this way, and none could be can you put a price tag on that???

Think about this....rare backs all look the same, the anomalies are all different, they are like "snow flakes"(especially the dramatic scrap, in where each one is unique!!!( this is my snowflake theory), the more dramatic, the more unique, the more value...Chris knows where i'm coming from....these freaks have just flown under the radar the last few years(to my benefit)...

Let me say another thing , Jamie....What card would you never part with besides your drum cobb??? Would that be Chance??

Jimmy r, what card would he never part with???? I can tell you that would be his blank back SICK-ASS Cassidy ghost....and he has one of the sickest collections out there

Chris....what card would you never part with

Always seem to be the most unique ones huh???Coincidence??

Sure you can hunt down bl 460 , just bl 460 is needed for back runs are they are truly rare, but on the same rarity feild as some of these freaks....try to hunt down a Chance ghost, or over- print back??? Jamie, you have been scouring BST for months, and they are few and far between.......if you asked for bl 460 and have the cash, a few will show up.....the only time i ever seen the opp for the ghost is my weimer twin....look at the offers already on him ....there are only 2 known that i'm aware of....

Leon, what are 2 of your most prized cards??could it be multi strike or Matty proof???

My point.....can't replace uniqueness.....each one HAS IT'S OWN MARKET

Keep an eye on these freaks, collectors have started to realize....if you want something truly unique, special, and rare these are the way to go...

Everyone when bored with the same ol back , Magie, ect will desire something truly unique....ya, a drum back is cool to look at or a bl.....but check out a multi strike back like Leon's, then you really see the difference...

if anyone is bored with there freaks, send em my way!!LOL

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