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Old 01-23-2012, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by uyu906 View Post
I really think this fact has been intentionally overlooked by many, and accidentally overlooked by some. Sandusky had been retired for 3 years when the 2002 stuff took place and when Joe found out about it. Pretty hard to fire someone, or otherwise discipline them, when they no longer work for you. Sandusky deserves every bad thing that can happen to him legally, but the way the media made out that this whole thing was Joe Paterno's fault and tainted his legacy has seemed very unfair to me. And firing a guy over the phone, after 60 some years of working for the same employer, would be a low class move whether we are talking about college football or a steel mill.
Firing someone who sodomized children??? It doesnt matter if he worked there at all or not, he was very visible on campus and had access to all of the facilities. Paterno should have immediately banned him from Penn State forever and reported him to the Police!!! You dont only lose your job for heinous sex crimes vs children, you go to jail!!!! As far as Im concerned, I dont care how many buildings or wings he contributed to the University! He had a chance to make a difference and he chose protecting his friend, the university and most of all the football program over protecting 10 yr old boys from single parent homes!!!
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