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Old 01-22-2012, 01:48 PM
packs packs is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 8,462

I agree with the post above. I know a lot of people think what happened to Joe the last few months is "sad" and "not fair" but what if those kids were your kids? What if these things didn't have to happen to them if only he did the right thing? He was a great sportsman but to me the scandal and tragedies that occurred under his watch outweigh anything that happened on a football field. I have no sympathy for him in terms of how he is remembered. And think this scandal should tarnish his legacy and not be forgotten or set aside in favor of inconsequential championships.

Its strange to me that people defend him. That people say it wasn't his fault, that he was just there. It is hard for me to understand that just because a man coaches a football team people will blindly defend him. The things he did not do for children, things that cannot be undone and will destroy their lives FOREVER, far outweigh anything he did do in a sports arena. We're all adults. We understand the consequences of sexual abuse. I can't imagine saying "Yeah but..."

Last edited by packs; 01-22-2012 at 01:56 PM.
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