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Old 01-20-2012, 04:04 PM
Fuddjcal Fuddjcal is offline
Chuck Tapia
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Originally Posted by travrosty View Post

Give me your thoughts, and if you like JSA and PSA and still think they do a great job, especially on vintage baseball and sports, please come on here let your voice be heard.
You know I love your passion Travis and I hold your opinions in high regard, despite what you might think. My feelings are that the leaders in 3rd party authentication need some work. Maybe a lot. These kind of examples coming to light are the product of very sloppy work (which we know they are susceptible), favoritism, fraud or both. I guess I choose to believe that they mostly get it right. The FDE's that have to know by now they are authenticating NOTHING BUT FORGERIES, because they almost NEVER GET IT RIGHT. They are complicit to the crime. It goes way beyond "I didn't know, it's my opinion" B.S they like to hang their hat on. They never retract a certificate either. Both FDE's and alphabets should retract known forgeries that got by their initial look as soon as it is a well known fact. With FDE's like Moraless, he would have 3 obscure golf autographs correct and almost everything else should be recalled.

I know you went to work for one of the alphabets for a very short time. You left after you found out you couldn't make a difference and your ideas fell on deaf ears. They are idiots for not listening. They are really not trying to improve their business. After you beat your head against the wall and found out "change for the better" was not in the works with the current structure, you left. I wish they would have taken the constructive criticism, but they didn't and apparently don't listen to anyone. Their overall reputation will suffer with many strong detractors like yourself if they keep it up.

Still, it would be comforting for you to admit that Christopher Moraless does not have his certification on 1-Authentic Muhammad Ali autograph. They are all forgeries. (99.99%) I speak from what I know like you do. I see very few questionable Mickey Mantle's with PSA or JSA. They are almost always right. Just like Moraless is always wrong. So, I don't know how much more I can tell you.

I think your efforts to discredit PSA & JSA and not FDE's is a TRAVESTY, pun intended. I am against all nonsense and fraud not just from alphabets and that's what makes it hard to get behind your plight. You are 100MPH railing against alphabets with blinders on. If they keep it up, they will be out of business and all we'll have is rubber stamper FDE's popping up more so than they do now.

In any case, Keep doing what makes you happy and everything should work out just fine in the end.
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