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Old 01-18-2012, 09:25 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,158

Thanks Ted

1 I guess it's just an error on the spreadsheet. Good to know, now I just have to figure out how to remove the EP blocks.

2 I'm coming to think that the Magie and Magee should be considered as individual cards, Magie a 150 only and Magee a 150/350. I makes sense that if the error was in an early sheet and replaced they would have had to redo the brown artwork with the correct spelling and laydown an entirely new plate with the corrected version later, late enough that it ended up in the 150/350 group.

3) My thoughts change constantly on Plank as I learn more about that one card. considering your answer clarifies some of what I'd been thinking but didn't state well first time around.

I thought Plank was on an early 150/350 sheet rather than a 150 only sheet, but that seems wrong now finding out that the only Piedmont 150 ones are hand cut.
The Philadelphia area and other than philadelphia being treated differently at factory 649 doesn't directly affect Plank of course, but probably does affect Powers.
But the other factories would have used the same sheets, so if for instance Plank was removed after printing a small batch of SC 150 factory 30 and Powers added in extra quantity that might explain the Plank being so tough.

My thought on the 350 Plank - And now that I know there's only one that bit seems more likely- is that they were either using some of the sheets with the pulled cards as the make ready sheets and one got into the stack of production cards. It happens sometimes.
So I guess it could technically be considered a wrongback T206.

I'm not sure about the factory discarding particular cards. It could easily be done at the cutting stage but it's a bit labor intensive. I'd also expect a stack of one of the withdrawn cards to have turned up. It's a lot easier for a worker to stuff a handful of a card he's throwing away into a pocket than it is for them to bring home an entire sheet. Not to mention how attractive American Lithos trash must have been to the local kids.
Stopping production and simply not printing them would have been far easier.

Johns Point about the advertisements showing Wagner only coming out later in the summer of 09 seems to throw a wrench into both our theories. I just don't know enough about typical magazine lead times and publishing dates of that era. I'll have to do a bit of thinking on the timeline and some looking at my old magazines to see what I can find.

Steve B

Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
Steve B

Much to respond to here, so I'll try to focus on your major points.

1st....The El Principe de Gales (EPDG) back is found on T206's printed in all the other series....but, not on this series of these 12 subjects. The EPDG
back was first printed starting with the 350 series cards and continued to the 460 series cards.

2nd....As you know, the MAGIE card is simply a typo error of the Magee (portrait) card. This Magee is a 150/350 subject. Therefore, although the
MAGIE (error) card exists only with a PIEDMONT 150 back, he is not considered a 150-Only subject.

3rd....The only 350 backed Eddie Plank card is with a SWEET CAPORAL 350 Factory 30 back which was stuffed into cigarette packs out of this NYC
plant. Tobacco products from this Factory were distributed in the New York-New England area. And, it is very interesting that the ATC log you noted
was labelled......"other than Phila territory".

If I understand your comment correctly, it sounds like they were continuing to issue the Plank cards; but, keeping them from view of Mr. Plank or his
boss, Connie Mack. If so, it sure was a very dumb attempt.

4....The Mike Powers tragedy was felt all over the BB world of that era. So, it's not surprising that certain cards of his were double-printed in order to
make them more available to the BB fans.

Good questions.

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