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Old 12-29-2011, 03:00 AM
ErikV ErikV is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 470
Default Re: Most interesting, esoteric sets - T206 collectors do not read


While there is no arguing that the T206 is the grandaddy of all baseball card
sets, there is a reason it is called the "Monster." I for one personally find it
a daunting task to collect this set. Then, throw in all of its variation
backs, rarities and of course the big 4 and the entire proposition becomes
downright discouraging.

Three years ago, I began work on not only collecting a very nice E95 set,
but also researching its manufacturer, the Philadelphia Caramel Company.
Over time I discovered small nuances about the set such as the connection
of one special player included in the set with the confectioners' owner. I
also discovered the reason why several other players were included in this
set, and an apparent connection with premiums produced by this company
having a direct correlation to the overall health of the company. In short, a
unique sense of ownership and inside knowledge to this set developed.

While collecting a mere 25 cards doesn't seem all that challenging, I gained
a greater appreciation for each card, and for each set produced by this
candy manufacturer. Having once been a simple added throw in to a
piece of candy, each of these cards now tells a story that has been lost
through the passage of time.

In July 2009 I published my findings in a book form and had the opportunity
to correspond with family members from Philadelphia Caramels former

You now have one vote from a non-T206er!
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