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Old 12-14-2011, 08:34 AM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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It IS quite obvious, These questions have been raised before, but fell on deaf ears, it is just now picking up steam. I brought something up over 2 years ago that most people still don't know about but will know about soon. It not babe ruth baseballs but is related to all of this. It's hard to break through the defenders and protectors of these companies who keep telling people to be quiet, because these companies are doing a great job. That day and age has passed and people are waking up. TPA could be such a good tool to use if it was done right. I am not against TPA's in theory, but don't see any value in the way it is being done now. I wouldn't even have a problem with a serious mistake made here or there. But with the plethora of incredibly ridiculous mistakes, one after another after another, when a coa is issued for jack johnson signed on a card produced a few years after he died, and the back of the card even states that johnson died in a car accident, there is something seriously wrong here.

I have made a mistake and given a refund to a customer for 75 dollars when it turned out not to be legit, so I am not perfect either, but holy cow, let's get some perspective here on the gravity of this situation. It is dire.

Richard, you are not being too cynical. Some of this stuff is just being shown the light of day, and they desparately don't want it to be shown, because it shows how they operate internally. Is a piece authentic based on how they feel that day, or are there objective standards they follow?

Steve Z., just tell us how you feel about these companies and these disparities. Please, I want to know. Are they doing a good job? Is 50k, 100k, not enough money to warrant a serious introspection on these balls? Or should it just be swept under the rug? Shouldn't we also hear from the companies that certified these? shouldn't they give us their explanation as to why they certed these balls that are all over the map? Will we ever hear from them? I seriously doubt it because they believe in the silent treatment, hoping it will go away.

A question I have is why does it take someone from the outside to scour through hundreds of auctions over a dozen year period to figure this out, when the TPA's had images of all these balls all along right there in their database, and they couldn't put two and two together? They had it right there. There wouldn't be any need for Monday morning quarterbacking if the PAID Sunday game time quarterbacks were on the stick.

Here we have a guy doing it for FREE and taking flak for it? Can't wait for part 3.

Remember it is Ron K's opinion in contrast to the TPA's opinion who don't put the name of the authenticator who looked at the balls on their COA's. I will take Ron K's word first and foremost over authenticator X hiding behind a company banner. He has the guts to put his name to it and say he is the one who believes these balls not to be in the hand of Ruth. You have to respect that.

Last edited by travrosty; 12-14-2011 at 09:16 AM.
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