Thread: On the easel...
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Old 12-07-2011, 09:45 AM
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Sean Brennan
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Originally Posted by GKreindler View Post
Hey guys,

Here are two more I just got back from the photographers:

Jackie Robinson, August 28, 1949, 46" x 56"

Gary Carter and his boys, October 25, 1986, 30" x 45"

I gotta admit, I'm really scared even sharing these, as they're both pretty important paintings for me professionally. The Jackie canvas is going to a pretty high-profile client, and if it's loved, can open some serious doors. Also, it's going to be hung somewhere with a lot of visibility. The Mets one is kinda in the same situation - it will be auctioned off at the B.A.T. dinner in January, which will be attended by tons of former and current players, many Hall of Famers, media and probably other people I don't even think I want to know about.

So, yeah, I just really hope that they're both loved not only by the clients, but by everybody. I just feel like there's gonna more scrutiny over these than some of the other stuff I've done. And believe me, I'm extremely grateful to even have people looking at this stuff, but I'm still shaking in my boots.



congrats! high profile client eh? can we get a low profile hint
good luck on the auction. I hope bill buckner wins it
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