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Old 11-29-2011, 09:11 PM
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Abravefan11 Abravefan11 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 1,466

Ted - I have been extremely cordial to you in spite of your opinions of me. My greatest fault is in taking a different opinion to yours. I don't, nor do I care, to make any discussion personal, but simply share factual information to the best of my ability concerning the T206 set. While you may view my inputs as a personal attack on you they're simply a matter of trying to put out the best factual information about the set that I can. When someone posts a topic, be it you or anyone else, I present what I know to be the best of my knowledge with a factual response. If that is in contradiction to you it is by coincidence and not personal. Because you have a propensity for posting more incorrect information and wild speculation than anyone else on the board it may seem like I have it out for you, but nothing could be further from the truth. My only objective is to present the best information to those that collect the set and read the board. I don't believe anything in my above posts in this thread can be taken as a personal attack on you but rather an expression of my opinion on the subject put forth by another board member backed up by factual information.

If anyone that met you at the National has an issue with me, they simple don't know me. I'm very comfortable with who I am, the information I present and the collection I own. I feel those that do know me in the hobby would have a different opinion than the possible one's that don't.
T206 & Boston National Type Card Collector

Last edited by Abravefan11; 11-29-2011 at 09:12 PM.
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