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Old 11-13-2011, 12:29 AM
travrosty travrosty is offline
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if you look at a sonny liston signature, sonny started off the L in liston in practically the same spot every time, slightly up and to the right of the y in Sonny, it is a way to spot a feature of a good liston.

Most of the presentational mathewsons have the M starting off in a way that it points back to the y in christy in almost the same spot from signature to signature. the beginning of the M points to the y.

in the established exemplars, they don't do that, they overshoot the y by a long margin, they point to the t in christy or even overshoot the t,

i dont see the consistency in the start of the M in mathewson pointing to the t in Christy and even overshooting it as in the established exemplars when I look at the presentational copies, almost all which point to the y in Christy, and even the few that slightly overshoot the y, don't reach the t.

Some of them even fall short of the y, something the established exemplar don't show in the ones I have seen. I don't even see one pointing to the y let alone falling short.

In all the examples of established exemplar he shows in I just don't see one that points to the y or falls short like I see in the presentational copies. And I don't see a presentational copy that points to the t in christy or overshoots it like i do in the established exemplars, and you think you would see some because in 1908 he has a very high long start to the M, and in 1912 he does also. These 1910 presentation copies he all of the sudden changes all of them up to start lower and tighter, very consistanly for these books, then abandons that practice and goes back to the high long start again as we see in many 1912 autographs?

Last edited by travrosty; 11-13-2011 at 12:37 AM.
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