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Old 10-25-2011, 11:42 PM
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71buc 71buc is offline
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Default "Sometimes I underestimate the magnitude of me."

Albert Puljos is a throwback to an era of players who comported themselves with class and dignity. I believe that he is quite likely the greatest hitting first baseman to ever play the game. We are blessed that he is playing in our lifetime. Reggie was not half the hitter that Puljos is, but lordy he was entertaining. I miss his brash style. He was quite possibly the antithesis of Albert. I would love to hate a player today as much as I did Reggie in my youth. He was an interesting and polarizing personality. He didn't play for the spot light he brought his own to the party with him. Reggie always talked the talk and walked the walk. Every time he stepped into the box was an event. Even though I despised him when he was playing I greatly miss him and the emotion he provoked in me. In comparison today's players are bland. That being said Reggie's night was electrifying and Albert's workmanlike and dignified as always
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