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Old 10-07-2011, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by calvindog View Post
The Yankees didn't lose because of the umps. They lost because their starting pitching is mediocre as has been their ace the past month of the season. They lost because they've got a zillion dollars tied up in ARod who is actually probably worth about $5 million a year instead of $30 million -- and they're stuck with that albatross of a contract for another six years. Brett Gardner is worth more than ARod right now. They lost because they've overpaid Jeter going forward. They've got a handful of solid players and a few fantastic ones. They got what they deserved and any dispassionate observer could have seen this coming in this series.

I get most of the post but why even bring up the pitching? Detroit scored 17 runs the whole series.

The pitching staff performed admirably and Girardi made the right decisions handling them at every turn of the series. The starting staff actually had a lower ERA for the season then a Yankee staff has had in a very, very long time. Impressive considering the bandbox they moved into.

Their stuff was not as electric as some of the Tigers pitchers, but they held their own.

They just didn't get the hits when they needed to. Jeter is a tad slower with the bat then he used to be, and the power guys A-Rod and Texiera are not exactly known for tearing it up in the postseason.

BTW, anybody else think Cano hit the ball right on the sweet spot when he broke his bat against Valverde in the last inning? One of the oddest broken bats I've seen and a ball that might have gone a long way if the bat didn't give out. Makes me wonder if the bat had a crack in it already, that Cano didn't notice earlier.
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