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Old 10-03-2011, 10:49 PM
Andy Sandler Andy Sandler is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: California
Posts: 1,906
Default Worst Missed Buy of Sports Memorabilia

What was your worst missed buy ever? For me, I can think of two.
First, in 1986 I was offered a 1919 Black Sox ticket stub for $100. As I was just engaged, I told the dealer that I wanted to run it by my future wife. Big mistake! She said sure but when I got back to the dealer, it was too late.
The other one was at the Rose Bowl Swap Meet in the 1980's when I was offered a Babe Ruth store model glove in its original box for $900. The seller would only take cash and I did not have that much on me.
Anyway, I am glad I can only think of these two instances.
Thanks for letting me get it off my chest!
Andy Sandler
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