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Old 10-03-2011, 04:25 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
Belltown Vintage
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Originally Posted by CarltonHendricks View Post
Nice photos and that you have three matching so similiar....that seems odd the back of the batter one seems to be from London.

I'm a novice at photos just starting to learn about them so I hope this isn't a silly question...but were those taken with a Kodak Brownie camera?
I googled Brownie camera and the wiki was pretty interesting...I guess the Brownie was something revolutionary that allowed for the first time the masses to take photos instead of professional photographers.

This is a coincidence...just yesterday I bought a really unusual photo of a boy taking a photo of other boys at home plate topping the bat...circa 1910ish...below a lame photo I took in the back of my truck as I left the show I got it's pretty big, framed about 20" x 14"....I'm not sure what to make of it but I'm thinking it may have been used as advertising for the brownie, which as you can see the boy is using...Maybe in the stores where brownies were sold...I just don't know...By the way, I can very clearly see the bat label has an SP inside a baseball so I'm sure the bat is a spalding

I apolgize if this is off track of your cool photos.
I don't consider anything off-track. That's a good question about the type of camera used - honestly, while I have pretty good knowledge about old photos, I know next to nothing about the cameras they were taken with. These are from the late 1800's, so they couldn't have been taken with a Brownie.

That's a nice photo you have - really brings back the old sandlot days. I'll be interested to hear what you find on the back of it.
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