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Old 09-25-2011, 01:25 PM
Collectorsince62 Collectorsince62 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 171

My son caught his first and only foul ball during game 7 of the 2004 NLCS at Busch stadium. I had always told him that if a ball came near us but he couldn't reach it, to go to the ground, because that's where the ball usually ends up. Following my advice, a ball comes into our row, but a few seats over. Before I realized what had happened, he emerges from the ground with the ball clutched tightly in his hands.

Years earlier, my two sons were at the railing during BP asking players for balls with no success. Jose Lind from the Pirates is watching them, but not complying. When BP ends, the boys are walking sadly back to our seats when Lind tosses one right in front of them. He laughed and game me a thumbs up, they immediately nominated him as their favorite Pirate.

I got my first foul ball this year at a Cardinals game off the bat of Brewer catcher Jonathan Lucroy. While it was in the air, I told myself - don't drop it, don't drop it . . . I dropped it. But I managed to grab it quickly and avoid an error.
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