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Old 09-16-2011, 08:02 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Default Potential solution

Isn't it about time all of us vintage bb card collectors decided, en masse, to move away from Ebay? Everyone is complaining about their regulations and fees and service. Stop complaining and do something. There is a viable and horribly underutilized option that was presented to us last year...Grand Slam Bids. Currently it hss devolved into an exclusively fixed price outlet for cards, but all it needs is our collective decision to stop perpetuating the Ebay madness and switch our focus to their site.

So lets get this thing started. I am a lower condition collector who has hundreds of cards that I plan on listing on Grand Slam for auction at reasonable (at least I think so) opening bids. I plan to start in about a month, when I have scanning and listing time available. Come on everyone, let's screwbay!

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