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Old 09-10-2011, 02:42 PM
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Jason Presley
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Location: Huntsville, AL
Posts: 404

Originally Posted by Leon View Post
I truly believe that in order to curb the debt problem it does have to be a many pronged approach. We MUST cut out the fraud in the system. We MUST cut out the subsidies to people that make a lifetime of using the system.
I agree with this completely, and this is also where almost all of the congressional budget talks collapse. Someone will make the point that cutting or reforming social program X will "only" save the taxpayers a few million dollars over the next 4-10 years. And somehow that "only" statement seems to contain the implied "so we shouldn't bother with it" tacked onto the end. Instead, all parties either do nothing or "compromise" on a plan that includes almost no actual cuts, but results in more spending.

If they were to follow through and reform, or end, those programs that "only" save a few million here and there, they would ultimately be saving hundreds of millions, if not billions, of taxpayer dollars. In a few short years, they wouldn't need to worry about raising the debt limit again.
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