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Old 08-29-2011, 01:20 PM
bcookie bcookie is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 527
Default Help ID'ing and Valuing This Babe Ruth Photo

i have this Babe Ruth photo, and i am trying to pin point an age. As you can see, the image is dark, but the strange part and the part i need help on is that when i hold the photo at an angle it turns "shiney and dark". It has the look of a negative when it is tiled. I know it is not a negative of corse, but the picture change at the angle has me puzzled.

what type of photos were out there in the 20's and early 30's?

also, what era is the picture? i am not talkiong about the age of the photo, but the era when the original picture would have been taken..

i was able to find out that the "negative" effect i was talking about is called "silvering" and that is a good sign of age. if this is an original type 1 photo what would be a ballpark value?

all help is greatly appreciated

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