Thread: T210 Prices
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Old 08-28-2011, 06:47 PM
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tbob tbob is offline
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The reason you can't compare T210s in lower condition with T206's in lower condition is that you can always pick up a T206 whereas some of the T210s are next to impossible to find. Now with regard to the higher condition T210s vs. T206s, I think that (just a hunch) more T210 collectors are just content with having an example of the card, whether it be a 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50. I know Robert won a couple of series 3 portraits in 50 and 60 holders of players that I just had won a few weeks ago in 30 holders so I wasn't bidding against him or he never would have won them for the prices he paid. The one thing I have learned, and most 54ers will agree with me, is that when it comes to prices on ebay, everything is a matter of timing.
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