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Old 08-27-2011, 06:28 AM
broadhurstinc broadhurstinc is offline
Kristopher Lill
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Hawthorne, NJ 07506
Posts: 57

Originally Posted by scooter729 View Post
That post was only missing references to tiger blood and warlocks, and we could have finally confirmed that Charlie Sheen is a board member!

Best of luck with the overpriced sale!
Hey Scott,
Thanks but when peasant/forum owner card lust in the air.. luck is but a question of when.. Leons words of pure desire and odd but wonderful card procreation dreams have been felt deeply by collectors worldwide, i'm sure in usual character he's gonna try to give me double or triple the all ready ridiculously overpriced price however i will refuse it so he can direct the funds toward better uses such as loaning o'bama even more money which ok, yes, seems and is a complete waste but what the hell, it's only money.. odss are Leon's pocket change may eventually enable this twit to bring "change" i didn't say odds are good.. Even the vast monetary reserves of Leon's pockets may only be able to birth a even better campaign slogan like " CHANGE.. HELLS YEA MAYBE BABY!" idk what the outcome but feel a true heaping shitload of luck will be necesary..

As for carlos i'm quite certain his energy is focused elsewhere these days and some things are just best left unconfirmed... i have a strong position on the tiger's blood and every warlock looks as though he will rip ur arm from the socket but at the end of the night when the bar gets out they all want an afterparty at your house and end up cryin about thier horrible past relationships as the sun is coming up.. i'm not saying all but every one i have partied with are emotional disasters and depressing to be around at that point.. it's annoying during sunrise or whenever so i don't let them come over anymore, i try to aviod them completely now but when they ask i just tell them my dragon burned my house down yesterday so no afterparty tnite and they stumble away depressed and wasted searching for someone to be thier free therapist and torture endlessly.

if by chance u see email me ur # (, had sum Winning to report.. my ball & chained personal hip mounted andriodian wee little black box of communications updated and lost everyones fone# i despise talkin to - Winning !... along with those i enjoy verbaly spanking repeatedly on how my lion blood is such of the King of all land predators and yea havin tiger blood is badass too.. just a little pussier than Lion's.. i still owe u for stealing that gold digging pirate whore of an exgirlfriend.. i told u she was a bitch.. talk soon.. Kris
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