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Old 08-08-2011, 04:52 PM
theuclakid theuclakid is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 806
Default Thoughts on the National

sales were solid....sold all my 33 Goudeys (about 8 hofers in grades 5-6.5 range)...I passed on a few I should have bought
...quality 50's hofers, and pre 1920 sold good also, people are looking for 8.5's big time in 50's hofers

I wish the lighting would be better for everyone in the Hall...some booths were very dark if they were unlucky to not be under an overhead light...we had carpet in our booth and it really helps on the feet after 6 days...I wish most if not all whole hall would be carpeted like the 1995 St Louis national...I would pay more for that upgrade

this security issue has to improve...I only saw one security officer with a gun walking around, but this was after all the thefts...Dealers have to be more diligent and careful with their material if not in a locked case..

I would say the crowd was good overall...I hope everyone did well but from the feedback I received, I know that is not the case

Bruce Perry
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