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Old 07-19-2011, 05:19 PM
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Tabe Tabe is offline
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Spokane, WA
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Ted's drop off after 1956 is pretty dramatic. He actually had a longer run of greatness than Wilson - 7 seasons vs 5. - but Wilson's peak was higher. What hurts Klu is that he stuck around after he'd stopped being any good and that tainted his legacy. In Wilson's case, he had one last great season (1932), hung around 2 more years, and was gone. Klu had one in 1956 then hung around 5 more years as a shell of himself.

All that said, here's the way I go on this: If your main argument for a guy's inclusion is "But he's better than xxx who's already in", then he doesn't belong. So if the argument is that Klu was better than Wilson - not a given - then he doesn't belong.

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