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Old 07-13-2011, 12:36 PM
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Brian Macdonald
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Prince Edward Island
Posts: 338

Originally Posted by ErikV View Post
I posted this in the watercooler section of the board
yesterday and got a couple of responses. I guess I'll
chime in here as well.

Every year around this time I get a bit conflicted about the
All-Star break. With a 4-day Fanfest and the Home Run Derby,
the All-Star Game itself is now just a backdrop to baseball
seasons' half-way point. The baseball establishment says the
game is an exhibition for the fans, but as a purist, I'm almost
sickened by the entire spectacle.

My 11 year old son is captivated by All-Star week and as a
way to bond with him, I watched the start of the Home Run
Derby yesterday. The ESPN pre-contest show focused on the
homerun in baseball. In interviewing former players like Johnny
Bench and Joe Torre these former stars commented how back in
their playing days one wouldn't dare admire watching a homerun
or strut around the bases after hitting a homerun. In essence,
former players would be showing up the pitcher by doing this.

All of this has changed. Now, with a sense of entitlement,
homeruns are hit and you have to watch players egos blow up
until they're done celebrating. I think that's why Barry Bonds
was so hated. Ozzie Guillen summed up today's view pretty
well during the pre-contest by saying each player who hits a
homerun should be able to watch "their" homerun without

Long forgotten are the days when players would take great
pride playing in an All-Star Game. Now, players such as Derek
Jeter refused to play in the All-Star Game so he could give
himself extra time to recover from his recent stint in the disabled

Due to the All-Star Game getting out of just being a just a big
game of graba$$, the Commissioner had to act a few years back
and put some incentive back into the game, so the All-Star Games
"really counts."

I don't really care anymore who wins the All-Star Game, nor who
plays in it. I think the whole thing is redicilious and the joke is
on the fans. Thanks for letting me vent.

If I'm a pitcher and a guy admires a HR off me, he gets drilled next pitch.

Simple as that
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