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Old 07-09-2011, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Ease View Post
Totally disagree with you guys, they had no concrete evidence, barely any motive. Some pix of a hot body contest at a club? cmon. Thats what makes this country so great, folks died to protect our right to a fair trial; a person must be proven guilty, not just assumed guilty. I think the $ from her book/movie/tv deals will be more than enough to support her...
This quote here is the reality of it. The prosecution screwed up by charging her with murder as soon as they found the poor girls remains.....but their case was not solid.

The reality of this mistake is that there is no statute of limitations on murder, so they had all of the time in the world to gather more evidence before charging her with murder. Now, they (the prosecution) are SOL. If she did do it, she can literally admit it and nothing can be done to her.

At the very least, I think there was enough evidence to charge her with child neglect/endangerment for not reporting her daughter missing for a month.

My mom watched this trial daily, and kept me posted, but after the opening presentation from both sides I had enough........the mainstream media was shoving this down our throats and ignoring other major things in this country and the world that, to me at least, they should be spending more time covering and paying attention to. Dumbed down on every news channel by the "Casey Anthony Trial".....

IMO the prosecutors blew it, wasted a bunch of tax payers $$ trying this case with more speculation than fact.

I do not feel she should be able to profit from this, but she probably will.
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