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Old 06-29-2011, 11:40 AM
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HercDriver HercDriver is offline
Geno W@gn&r
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Default Cfl

Oddly enough, I'm on a month-long hiatus to Toronto right now and went to my first CFL game last week. It was interesting, with a lot of good aspects the NFL could use - most notably a lot less standing around (20 sec play clock, if I remember right). Also, no downing the ball in the end zone - if you do, you get to keep it like in the NFL, but the kicking team gets a point. Sitting at the 55-yard line was cool too. Biggest problem in my mind was the three-down game, which takes running out of it.

I was surprised at how long it's been around - they've been playing for the Grey Cup for over 100 years now, so it predates the NFL in that respect.

Take Care,
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