Thread: Hey Big Spender
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Old 06-26-2011, 07:02 AM
wonkaticket wonkaticket is offline
J0hn McD@niel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 2,668

I never thought I would say this…but here we go.

I really didn’t think this post was all that bad???

It’s obvious this kind of stuff intrigues Bruce and he has spent some time and energy coming to his conclusions. Feel free to debate him on those.

Where I think it all went wrong was the comment to Bruce about kicking the bucket.

Even if the question was genuine in nature about where do large collections end up after the passing of the collector, I do think it could have been asked more tactfully. I though the whole kick the bucket comment to guy in poor health was pretty tacky IMO.

Then the whole pile on from Seth after that about his life being meaningless and making no impact on anyone or anything was a bit much. How would you know from cyberspace Seth what his private life has been about guy? Or what impacts he may leave behind?

I can totally see where Bruce lost his temper and fired back a ramble. Bruce I also thought the whole shots about someone’s education or insinuating they are less than you was not so great either. For a guy who is as highly educated as you are.

Those types of responses are in direct contradiction of you being a more educated and elite type individual. Even if you wear an ascot to a bar fight it’s still a bar fight. LOL

But after the your a nobody who will die soon or kick the bucket comments you get a pass IMO.

Look Bruce and I have butted heads for years that is no secret (hi Bruce) not because I have bad blood with Bruce. But simply because we see things differently on topics. The “we” stuff at this point is just lazy low hanging fruit been done a million times by me too but I can totally understand how the it’s shiny new ball to the newer members as I do find it funny too.

If I had one suggestion for Bruce I wish he spent just a fraction of the time he spends talking about money and speculation & the financial momentum/drive of our hobby, and shared some of his collection of which is very impressive. I think all of you no matter how much he gets under your skin would at least respect the collection even if you don’t respect the man or his views.

Well just my thoughts from America’s Bottom Feeder Collector Wonkaticket.



Last edited by wonkaticket; 06-26-2011 at 07:24 AM.