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Old 06-08-2011, 03:10 AM
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BrandonG BrandonG is offline
Brandon M. Grunbaum
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Newport Beach, CA
Posts: 230

Originally Posted by thecatspajamas View Post
I for one would absolutely love to see "off-brand" (non-Spalding/Reach/Rawling) and minor league balls included, even if it is not as all-inclusive as the Official Major League ball sections.

Sounds like you are hesitant to include a section that isn't exhaustively all-inclusive, but I think that it would be a worthwhile endeavor. If not in this book, then perhaps in a follow-up second volume? Personally, I would be more likely to pick up a book with off-brand and minor league balls included simply because of the lack of any other reference that includes them in any meaningful depth (that I know of).

Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely be picking up at least one copy of your book whichever way you go. Just thought I'd put a plug in for the "underdogs" of the world of baseballs.


I will definitely consider putting some of that in the book, I actually own a lot of non league baseballs and I think they're amazing in their own way. My initial goal was to make a strictly "professional" ball book, but that is why I posted on here, to get some great feedback. I'll keep you updated, and if you didn't already join my email newsletter on my site that will be the best way to get current updates. Thanks for the replies!
History of the Baseball Official National & American League Base Ball Guides now available! Here
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