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Old 05-29-2011, 02:49 PM
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jerseygary jerseygary is offline
G@ry Cier@dkowski
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Northern Kentucky
Posts: 853

Besides being a baseball memorabilia collector, I am also am very interested in military history. For a year I have been writing a blog where I illustrate and write a story about ballplayers who are overlooked by history or are otherwise interesting. Sometimes I get to tie my two interests together, like writing about the death of "Harvard Eddie" Grant, killed while leading a battalion in relief of the infamous "Lost Battalion." As I'm sure most of you guys know, Grant was the former 3rd Baseman of the Phillies, Reds and N.Y. Giants and was a very popular character with the NY sportswriters before the war. He was the only major league player killed in WWI and I thought Memorial day would be a great opportunity to remember his sacrifice as well as the strange history of his stolen memorial plaque that once stood in the Polo Grounds and where John McGraw led a solomn ceremony every year to mark his friend's sacrifice. The story is too long to post here, but if you are interested, please go to my site at:
Direct Link to Story:

Last edited by jerseygary; 05-30-2011 at 12:41 PM. Reason: added direct link
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