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Old 05-10-2011, 12:57 PM
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Johnny S
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by mdschulze View Post
I don't know Ted or the history that he brings with him to the table... so I have no comment on that.

Here's my issue... I'm new into the T206 world and I rely on Net54 members almost exclusively for accurate info. I have witnessed over the last year or so who the "regular" contributors are and which ones who appear to have a wealth of experience and knowledge regarding the 206s.... I rely on their opinions and statements as gospel because of the experience factor. When I encounter a thread like this one that exposes inaccurate info, I now feel the conspiracy-theorist side of me kick in and I start to doubt the legitimacy of other threads regarding t206 info. The only saving grace are for other experts to chime in and correct these misleading posts... thank you for that!

So my questions are: 1) Are the majority of knoweldge based posts on this forum accurate and how confident should I be in the accuracy of obtained info from Net54? 2) Is there a verified, accurate and completed T206 master checklist with all front/back combos? 3) If one exists, can you PLEASE put me in the right direction to obtain it? Thanks guys!!

This is the really bad/sad part of all of this, what people just took for granted now is tainted and that really sucks.
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