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Old 05-02-2011, 05:31 PM
howard38 howard38 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 636

You asked a reasonable question and I gave you an answer. Now, I have a question for you (or anybody else that wants to answer). If some jihadist, after hearing the news about OBL, was planning a terrorist attack in retaliation, do you honestly think it matters one way or another in their mind whether we gave OBL a proper Muslim burial? Do you think that would change their mind?

It would not stop any planned attack but it would avoid riling up angry radical muslim idiots who would then form mobs and attack American or European citizens (because we are all the same to them), consulates, and/or embassies. It happens every time someone gets a speck of dust on the koran, draws a picture of allah or writes or says that islam just might not be the greatest religion ever.
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