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Old 04-13-2011, 09:45 AM
abothebear abothebear is offline
George E.
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Posts: 644

Perhaps it isn't the cards' fault. Maybe it is a symptom of the collective collector psychosis. In my own case I have noticed that many of the cards I pick up I feel like I need to have or need to save from floating off into oblivion. Once I possess them my control over the uncontrolled world has been established and I feel comfortable re-selling the item. I feel like if I was successful getting it once, I could be successful getting it again if I needed to. The initial purchase turns out to be an exercise of proving myself by asserting power or control over my environment. This is an extreme simplification of it, and takes the fun out of it, but I framed it that way on purpose to illustrate the point. If this is a common issue, and it pretty much describes almost all coping methods and addictive behavior, then it makes sense that there would be lots of one-night-stand cards around (and set-breaks for set collectors). Use 'em and lose 'em.

The sticky ones being the ones you can't let get away, or ones that have a personal connection.
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