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Old 04-04-2011, 10:40 PM
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CarltonHendricks CarltonHendricks is offline
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Doug....Yes I was refering to blank backed separate issues, as you call them..not newspaper pages...From all this I've surmised "newspaper supplments" and "newspaper art supplments" though related are different...

Now when I hear the term newspaper supplment I'll think of illustrated newspaper pages that were produced as special features...

No matter, Patrick's catcher illustration supplement looks great...especially whre he's got it above his display case.....and the vintage frame is perfect...nice work Patrick!

Originally Posted by doug.goodman View Post
Carlton -

When you talk about "art supplements" are you talking about blank backed separate issues only, or are you including newspaper pages?

I have a few posted below.

I can't find the A's supplement (now I have something to do today), but I think it's about a foot high, and blank backed.

The St Louis Globe-Democrat is 17.5" wide and 22.5" high.

The St Paul Sunday Pioneer is 16" wide and 22" high.

Both of the larger pieces are just pages from the paper, so they have printing on the reverse.

I'm curious what similar items anybody else has, apologies to Patrick if we're hi-jacking his post, but all good posts (like his) get the responses flowing.

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