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Old 04-03-2011, 04:43 PM
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Originally Posted by E93 View Post
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The collector formerly known as JimB
Hi Jim
Please see the "ps." in my original post. It is broken as I am having to get into the middle of too many debates and make decisions I don't want to have to make (so frequently). I realize it's not that bad for everyone else, but can you imagine getting PM's, emails and board posts asking you to intervene, multiple times every day. That is the way it is for me now.

I have many board friends who want to give their opinions on debates that are "gray area" things, with only having their USER ID's in their posts. Then someone else, maybe new to the board, fires a "Hey, you need to have your name in that post"...then the board friend gets offended if I say something to them, or blows me off, and whatever I do is going to upset one of them. This is happening multiple times daily. I have to rectify that somehow. regards
Leon Luckey
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