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Old 03-29-2011, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by teetwoohsix View Post
I seem to be getting more and more emails from places I've never heard of, so lately I've been "unsubscribing" from them (even though I've never "subscribed" to them).......and after I "unsubscribe" from them, within a few days I seem to get hit with even more emails from places I've never heard of.

I'm starting to get the feeling that when I unsubscribe from one either:

A) The place I unsubscribe from sells my email adress (or gives it away) or

B) The place I unsubscribe from sends me the emails from a different sending adress.

Either way, it is annoying and I don't know how to stop it. Does anyone else have this problem?


Sincerely, Clayton
Just right click on their email and block can also block lots of things/people that way.......I did it with the unknown hundreds of Vbulletin emails I was getting per day...yes per day, for the last few years. Finally about 2 months ago I wised up...went to my primary server (not my outlook) email and blocked it there. Now I get 0 emails from that source.
Leon Luckey
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