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Old 03-02-2011, 03:07 PM
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Default it should be noted....

Originally Posted by HRBAKER View Post
This is what the media has become, one trainwreck after another to ride to the end of the tracks, dump and get on the next one. As soon as everyone gets their piece of Charlie they'll find some other "story."

If he is truly drug free and still behaves like this then I think that lends to some creedence to what Leon mentioned.

I find it neither amusing nor entertaining be it a PR stunt or anything else. Get some help or shut up.

Nice watch though, very nice!
If Charlie is a bipolar manic depressive then he probably has drugs for the condition. My brother had some serious physical issues from some dirt bike wrecks and had oxycodiene and delauted (sp?) that he was addicted to. Drugs and these conditions go hand in hand though, and from my experience are anything but exclusive of each other. (they can be but most often aren't)...again, this is all from my experience and I am not diagnosing anything in a definitive manner. Charlie acts like my brother used to act.
Leon Luckey
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