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Old 01-24-2011, 07:53 PM
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Mike H.
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Posts: 900
Default Confidence in Hunt Auctions and a restoration success

This late 1880s 1890s piece depicting a Chicago pitcher was featured in a recent Hunt's auction. The pitcher is the rarer of the two available positions (the other being the Hartford batter) and can bring $450+ in auction or sale. I bid electronically four days prior to the close of the sale with a max bid of $405. When I placed that bid the new high was $152. I am very pleased to report that it closed at that same price which gives me confidence in Hunt as a safe place to bid without being shilled.

The second part of the happy story is the restoration I performed. Obviously someones grandchild had fun painting this years ago. I knew it was made of heavy cast metal, so I bid knowing I could remove the paint with strong stripper. Anything can be cleaned (or ruined) by chemicals or heat. This arrived tonight at 6:00 p.m. and I'm posting these pics a few hours later. It cleaned up perfectly and has a nice aged look to it. I'm thrilled with my new figural and the price was a real bargain. I BROCKED it

Always buying baseball trophies, figural pieces, glassware, as well as Cubs and Tigers pinbacks and pennants.
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