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Old 01-21-2011, 09:19 AM
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Touch'EmAll Touch'EmAll is offline
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Default Keep the era's separate

Yesteryear players may be able to play today, but maybe not.

The issue is wheather they would be in their "old" bodies - or be able to take advantage of modern times and develop a "new" body.

Physiologically, each successive generation, on average, gets bigger, stronger and faster.

I am a competitive Masters swimmer, but, growing up in the era I did, I am able to go faster than Johnny Weissmuller at the 100 Meter Freestyle. If Johnny Weissmuller were to be born when I was, he most assuredly be much faster than his times if the 1920's.

Look at the Track & Field 100 Meters sprint - todays runners are far superior in times. BUT - if older runners could take advantage of modern medical & training & diet, they would be in modern bodies and able to run much faster than they did long ago.

Same for baseball. Today's pitchers can throw faster. Today's outfielders can throw the ball farther. Todays hitters can hit the ball farther.

Common sense folks.
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