Thread: quick update
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Old 01-21-2011, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by buymycards View Post
Thanks for the info Leon. I will be on the road for a couple of weeks, so I won't have time to try it for a while, but I still have some questions.

1. When the listings are imported from ebay, does this close the ebay items on ebay or will the items be listed on both ebay and gsb?

2. If the answer is both, then if someone buys an item on ebay will the gsb listing also close, and vice versa?

3. Most of my listings are BIN's with Best Offer. Will your software import the Best Offer items and leave the Best Offer option in place?

4. Most of my listings include large scans, using html from Photobucket, in the description area. Will these scans transfer properly?

5. Do your stores have the option to temporarily close for a week or two when someone is on vacation?

6. Can gsb listings be imported to ebay?

Sorry about all of the questions, but I have 600 items in my ebay store and I plan on adding several hundred more in the next couple of months, so I don't want to make any changes that will cause a lot of additional work for me. When I get some time I will experiment with a few items and see how it goes.

Thanks much! Rick
Hey Rick
I will try to answer a few of these questions. Sorry to be tardy too...

1) We have the program synced where when something is ported to GSB from Ebay, it stays in both places.

2) IF something sells either place, then the listing will close in both places.

3) I don't know if, when you export from ebay the best offer option, will it port that option over? I will find out.

4) The scans should, I believe, export fine...but will have to confirm. I am sure when JustCollect just did there large (5000+) export to GSB, they didn't lose their scans. I don't know what program they use for their scans though.

5) I am not sure if the stores can be closed for a week or two but I am sure the listings can be closed...I just need to find out how automatic it is.

6) I am not sure if GSB listings can be ported to ebay. I will find out.

I AM absolutely sure that Matt can answer each of these questions as he wrote the programs . He might be the smartest programmer/coder/IT guy I have ever had the pleasure to work with. He has been out of pocket for a week or more on vacation. I will direct him here for the definitive answers I didn't give. thanks a lot!!
Leon Luckey

Last edited by Leon; 01-21-2011 at 09:21 AM.