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Old 12-10-2010, 12:23 AM
ncinin ncinin is online now
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 253
Default CSA show at Oaks, PA April 15 - 17, 2011

I am posting this information for Marco Rol, who will promote a card show at the GREATER PHILADELPHIA EXPO CENTER, Oaks, PA on April 15-16-17, 2011.

If you have any questions, contact Marco at CSASHOWS@AOL.COM or call at 540.456.6877. Updates can be found at

"I'm getting very excited about the show, and word seems already to be spreading, judging from the dealers calling for booth information.

This Show will only have about a third the number of autograph guests as Chantilly, but a third more dealers. I'd like it to be more of a card show than the others CSA promotes. It won't be a Willow Grove; but then nothing ever will. However it will at least be a move in that direction, with more attention paid to the card dealers, both Vintage and shiny. So I certainly hope some of the net54 crowd will give it a try. I believe they'll agree it's a move in the right direction.

Also, though I haven't yet announced it on our website, Levi Bleam has consented to be our Host Dealer for the event, which means he'll be my liaison with the dealers I'm not as well acquainted with; he'll be responsible for relaying their suggestions and criticisms to me; basically I want him to be my guarantee that the Show at Oaks is what the Vintage dealers and collectors want. Levi, as you know, is not afraid to speak his mind. And I'm going to listen to him.

I would also like to extend an invitation to Ted Z to come out of retirement, especially if he would be so kind as to accept the offer of a free booth at Oaks.

Best regards, Marco Rol,"
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