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Old 12-09-2010, 09:15 AM
bobw bobw is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Brooklyn NY
Posts: 365
Default Memories of EPSCC

I too stopped doing the show this year after setting up since 1983. I trekked to Reading in hopes that the show would return closer to Philly but then Bob sold the show and Hunts took over and almost doubled the price of the tables. I did the first 2 at Valley Forge but I lost the enthusiasm to continue. With MAB bringing more and more guests, the show will end up like their shows in NY and NJ which have few dealers and become just another autograph show.

Things I remember from Willow Grove

- The first table I had was in one of the dead end aisles near the snack bar.

- Everyone waiting to see who would get the free table for the next show.

- The show auction

- The first time I set up, I stayed at the super modern "George Washington Motor Lodge" which was probably built when George was alive. I had a room on the second level and could hear the dealer in the room under mine snoring all night.

- There was a uniform collector named Jay I believe who would show me his flannel uniform collection which he had hanging in the coat room near Ernie Montella's tables.

-After the first show I asked Bob for a different table and he put me in the middle of a row between Ted Lanting and Dick Sikes and 707 Levi and Jim were behind me. Because there was no room behind the tables, the only way to get out was to crawl under your table.

-One show had a terrible rain storm and the dealers near the back door got soaked.

- The clean bathrooms

-The walk in material was amazing.

Things I will miss:

- My neighbors. I was between John Ross and Mike Gordon for the entire run in Ft Washington and Reading.

- Seeing the faces of familiar customers and just BSing with them even if they didn't buy something.

Hopefully, CSA's show next April in the Philly Expo Center will be start of a good show in the Philly area.
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