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Old 11-27-2010, 12:16 AM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
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As a Tax Attorney and not a CPA, I will tell you that you are wrong when you talk about all the Gray Area. The Law is very clear, it is how a person with an agenda (like sheltering as much money as possible or perhaps violating copyright law to make a $5 windfall) can interpret the Law that makes it gray. You can get into all sorts of debates about "What constitutes Entertainment Expenses" and "Meals" if you want to but have those discussions with a certified Tax Lawyer, maybe even one teaches the subject at a Law School, and I promise you the gray fades to nice shades of dark black and bright white. Just because you dont get audited by the IRS and get put in a position where you have to try and defend your practices does not mean the practice is condoned or right.

Just thought I would chime in as someone who knows a thing or two about Tax Law, at least more than the average H&R block worker or maybe an expert without a ton of tact.

Rhys Yeakley
Tax Lawyer
Former IRS Worker
Repro Card Hater

Last edited by prewarsports; 11-27-2010 at 12:18 AM.
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