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Old 11-04-2010, 02:08 PM
prewarsports prewarsports is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1,550


What you are saying is correct, but some of the earlier Old Judges dont have the thin layer of paper on the back and are thicker than regular cards. I wonder if they would shimmer the same way.

The way I always try to tell is to look at the pitting on the edges (I think they are called striations or something like that). They should have a rough cut under magnification. I cant really think of how to explain it except that it almost looks like a broken cracker or something with little valleys. If the edges of an Old Judge are smooth, you are probably looking at one that is trimmed or rebacked.

As has been said before though, Old Judges have been rebacked for preservation for probably 50+ years with no intention to deceive but to protect the brittle photos from breaking.

I would suggest having Jay or someone else who lives near you and knows a thing or two about Old Judges taking a quick look at them.
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