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Old 10-14-2010, 11:09 PM
marcdelpercio marcdelpercio is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 876

I don't think it can be conclusive either way to look at a print variation as a measure of the timeline of the print run. It is just as likely that a plate was damaged or mistakenly adjusted at the end of the run thus causing the "incorrect" variation (Cycle Mathewson, Wilhelm "suffe ed", Doc White Polar Bear, etc) as it is that the mistake was discovered early and corrected in future runs.

As far as the Nee card with the printer's mark, I would not consider that a variation as there is no change in the content (meaning artwork design or text) of the card. This is simply a function of the placement on the sheet rather than any change in content of the card. If this is considered a variation, then every single card ever produced would have to be a variation as no two cards are printed and cut absolutely identically.
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