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Old 09-11-2010, 12:01 PM
ethicsprof ethicsprof is offline
Barry Arnold
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Pensacola,Florida
Posts: 2,733
Default Bob

As an editor of several volumes in the areas of psychoanalysis and ethics
(much less interesting than your work!!), I must say how impressed with how
self-critical you are in analyzing your own efforts. Most of the folks in my
field,including myself, tend to be perennially thin-skinned and seldom self-critical.
I,for one, applaud you for your critique and am quite pleased to see you back at the reins of this difficult yet most needed work. I am also pleased to hear that you will continue to have the reins in 2012.
Dave has a great idea in getting a number of us to help with editing of sections. I would be glad to help and I'm sure others would be eager as well.

Again, congratulations on the volume. I will certainly get one and will be
especially pleased to see the name Lemke in bold print.

all the best,
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