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Old 08-20-2010, 12:02 PM
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M's_Fan M's_Fan is offline Per.ry
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Originally Posted by tedzan View Post
One would say you are "mathe-MATT-ically" challenged

I'm tired of your constant attempts to "derail" me, as you have tried in other threads. If you have something constructive
to add, then by all means state it.
Keep your negative thoughts to yourself.

Like Leon, I don't see anyone having any negativity towards you Ted. There is a good debate going on here, and there is nothing wrong with counting up who is on what side. But nobody has any personal stake in it and its all pretty much opinion, and it looks like there are opinions on both sides. Don't take it personally if we disagree with you, its all just an academic debate anyway that doesn't really matter that much...

Back to the debate, as I said on the previous thread:

Quote: seems highly unlikely to me that someone would go to the trouble of making a strip card and hiding the seams with such precision. Even if you have the skill to do this, why would you? Wagner won't care if there are seems on his sample. And why even bother to cut cards and then make a strip for Wagner? Why not just easily paste them on a sheet of paper side by side? It just doesn't add up to me that someone would go to this effort, there seems to me no reason to do so.
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