Thread: RIP George
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Old 07-13-2010, 12:56 PM
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Default Billy's story

I heard Billy Martin Jr. on radio this morning telling a story which I thought bore repeating. Steinbrenner had a secretary who constantly messed up his sandwich orders at lunch. George told her he didn't want mayonaisse on his sandwiches but she kept forgetting. The 3rd time it happened, he fired her. One of his employees told him that the only reason she was working was because she was trying to make money and pay her son's college tuition, that she didn't know what she was going to do.
Steinbrenner invited the boy to lunch and spoke with him about it. He didn't rehire the secretary because of what he felt was her inpetitude but sent a check to the college and paid for the last 3 years of the boy's tuition.
The sandwich story made the rounds years ago but now we get to hear the "rest of the story," as Paul Harvey used to say. Steinbrenner could be a real jerk but he also had a huge heart.
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