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Old 07-05-2010, 08:37 AM
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GaryPassamonte GaryPassamonte is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Mount Morris NY
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I don't know who I would remove, but I, like Rhett, agree that baseball's pioneers have been neglected for too long. Many early stars started their playing careers before professional leagues were started and are still held to the 10 year rule. Also, in the early professional game, the number of games played was much fewer than today, yet the statistics are compared to the numbers of today. I could go on and on. If the HOF can induct deserving Negro Leaguers in one sweep, it would seem similar provisions could be made for baseball's pioneers. This would require forming a committee comprised of those knowlegeable in the 19th century game, similar to the committee formed to choose the Negro Leaguers inducted. There was a HOF "pioneer commitee" in 1936 that never came close to doing what it was intended to do. If not now,when?
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