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Old 05-30-2010, 06:40 AM
brett brett is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 121

Originally Posted by glchen View Post
Sorry, Brett. Even with the above post from Leon, I have to say I'm another poster that's lost some respect for you. Again, that was a brilliant first post, but now the luster has lost some of its shine. The reason is "conflict of interest." This is similar to a politican writing laws on Energy policy, who just so happens to own tons of shares of Exxon Mobil. The politician needs to recuse himself from the vote or move his shares to a blind trust, so that he could seem impartial. If you have put in that first post, along with the theory that you thought that card was Joe Jackson, that you had an extra card that you'd probably be willing to sell, and had that upfront, you would've looked a lot better than you do now. Or, if you put the card on ebay, but tried to stay anonymous about it, and only return pm'd those people who contacted you, and not announce that you're selling to the entire board, you would have looked somewhat better.
That's your opinion, and while it's always nice to be respected I can live without yours if that's how you feel. There's no conflict because it's two completely seperate things. Unlike a politician passing a policy that society has no choice but to live by, you still have all the choice in the world in regards to this. You can choose 1) That it's NOT Shoeless Joe if that's what you want to believe, and 2) That you don't want to bid on the card. Nobody's forcing you to do either. If I was the SOLE authority on declaring this a Shoeless Joe card and then started selling them that would be a different story. I disclosed that I had another one AS SOON as I realized it (not that it matters or is any of your business) and when I mentioned here that I was selling it I knew people like you would take exception (there's always gonna be haters), but I still did it to be as honest and upfront as possible. Sometimes in life you just can't win.

Also, even if I DID start this topic for the purpose of making a profit (which I didn't) what difference does it make? How has the luster lost it's shine? A fact is still a fact. Just because I'm selling one did we suddenly NOT still discover a new Shoeless Joe card? Did you not still gain free knowledge here thanks to me? In 100 years when we're all dead and gone will future generations not still know about a Shoeless Joe Jackson card because we proved it here last week? Your logic makes no sense whatsoever. The discovery is the discovery. What I choose to do after that is my business, not yours. In fact, if anybody should be entitled to be the first one to put this card on the market it should be the person who discovered it.

Last edited by brett; 05-30-2010 at 07:08 AM.
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