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Old 05-28-2010, 06:40 AM
brett brett is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 121

Originally Posted by FUBAR View Post
I dont see anything wrong with what Brett is doing, there is now demand for a card based on the assumption it is Joe Jax, so guys want in. If the guy has two, and everyone wants to get there hands on it, why not, i am sure most of you would do it as well. Same as the three that were snapped up via BIN.

Right now there is more demand then card and if i had an extra and people wanted it, i would follow suit as well.

You guys are way over reacting. He is only making this move because people are bugging him to sell it. I dont think he hyped it to sell a spare, i think he simply wanted people's opinion and on this board, there are some very weighty opinions, and some real experts. How is a newbie going to know his first post would be a 400 post thread.

We need to stop looking for the negative in the situation and find the positive. He helped identify a new Joe Jax card and no one is forcing you to bid on it!!!!
THANK YOU!!!! Everything you said is dead on. Believe me, I didn't start all this so I could make an extra few hundred dollars on a card. All I'm doing is giving somebody who wants it an opportunity to get it. Some people offered me "whatever I wanted" for it but I didn't feel comfortable doing that. I'd rather let bidders decide what it's worth and then that's what I'll get... nothing more and nothing less.
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