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Old 04-18-2010, 11:20 AM
steve B steve B is offline
Steve Birmingham
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: eastern Mass.
Posts: 8,161

I think you're missing the point.

A bit of an analogy...In baseball, there's "inside baseball" The little differences in how things are done that vary depending on what level you're at. Hopefully, minor leaguers have learned most of the major points before they make the big leagues. But they still make "rookie mistakes" until they've learned more. Even guys like Ichiro.

I was really impressed that you put together a basic backs collection so quickly.

And some elements of your questions are actually pretty good.

What bothers some of us is that when an idea or question of yours gets misunderstood there's little attempt at clarification, but a defensive stance.

Thinking for yourself is more than fine, but ignoring all that's gone before and reinventing the wheel isn't all that productive. The learning process is gradual, and should optimally include owning, viewing, or otherwise handling a large number of cards before you really KNOW the cards in question.
Or - Have some valid background experience that applies.

I've put forward a couple theories about the actual printing, and Ted graciously added some scans that indicated I might be wrong. I did a few more scans of my own, and realised that maybe I was wrong, or that there was another explanation for what I was seeing compared to how I'd thought things would have been done. In the end what I thought I knew got added to what Ted knows, and the result was an answer to a tiny part of a big question that became it's own small question. Now I'm pretty sure something didn't happen a particular way, and that gets us all closer to knowing what did happen.

So feel free to contribute and think, but be willing to adjust that thinking if the facts don't support the ideas. (Oooooh my science teacher would be so happy to read that!) Also be willing to clarify what you're asking if we don;t get it. Not everyone thinks the same way.

Steve B
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